Saturday, July 07, 2007

Finished and emailed

B if you're reading - go check your in box, hehe.

Man it feels good to get the story down, the polishing done, and the email in the sent box!

Accidentally Were? here's hoping you make everyone else laugh as much as you did me! (Damn but I'm good at some cheesiness!)


Amy Ruttan said...

Rhi sent me over to hound you to join 70 Days of Sweat!!!! So my hounding is complete, and I can tell her so! :)

Rhian said...

YAY - you finished the story i've waited forever for! I expect a heads up as soon as you know the release date! On to the next story Anne - come on and SWEAT with us!

Anne D said...

LOL Let me sell it first Rhi :)

Consider me hounded Amy!