Monday, October 06, 2008

And another review

From Erotic Escapades this time...

... Scorching heat and emotional exploration mark Curious Intimacies as a book you won’t soon forget.  Lucy is a strong confidant woman who knows exactly what she wants and isn’t afraid to manipulate the men around her to get it.

Jason is sweet, wanting noting more than to make his lover happy and comfortable, the stretching of his limits is absolutely spellbinding.  Shane is a gay man who has never been with a woman so I wasn’t sure this was going to work for him, but once Shane decided to go ahead with this he eagerly followed directions it lead to everyone’s mutual satisfaction.  The heat the three generate make light of volcanic eruptions as physical restrictions are dropped and instinct takes over.  With it being quite obvious that Shane will never be fully part of Jason and Lucy’s relationship.

I hope Ms. Douglas soon finds Shane a hero of his own.

(continue reading &aquo;)

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