Thursday, December 10, 2009

A LOLcat Challenge

(My Original Blog Post:
Those of you who follow me on twitter will know that I rescued a kitten about six weeks ago now, I think it is. RK as I call him on twitter (Rescue Kitty aka Meep) has had, well, some interesting moments. Peeing in the middle of my bed - more than once - being one of the more unpopular ones. But there have been some very funny moments (as kittens often have) like this one:

I'd say I've got no idea how he got up there (the curtain rail above the sliding door), but I hazard my curtains have quite a number of holes in them now. *sigh*

So instead of boring you all with another post about *cough*how great my next story will be *cough* I'd thought I'd run a caption contest LOLcat style

So, give it your best shot (and ignore my bad painting job, I plan on putting up day, I swear!) and I'll send you some Anne stuff (mini cooler for your lunch, book bag, maybe even an Anne's Addictions Reader cover if you've got a device etc).

PS. I better put an end date - how about Dec 20th. Then I'll run a poll for the best caption for the winner :) )

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