Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sweatin' away...

And it's not just the heat outside.

I slacked off horribly the week before, but this week I piled on nearly 7k on RSCF. I'm hoping that by the end of today I'll have 8, but we shall see. Kiddo has some homework that needs to be done yet.

Now, I've just got to figure out if one of my leads is going to have a crisis after his first kiss with a man, or if they're going to go all the way then he's going to to get all conflicted. Decisions, decisions!

1 comment:

Gina Marina said...

I love the caught-up-in-the-moment, going-all-the-way scenes then when he wakes in the morning feeling the best ever, panics when he realizes it's a man's arms.