Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Crunch, crunch ...

Kiddo is back in school, I'm left with the sound of the AC blowing, way too many computers running (but its a soothing noise), and crunch... what the f--?

It seems that Chicken (our kitten, who's now getting to be more of a cat) has declared war on the lizard population of our backyard, and thinks it's great fun to lord her victory over the plebeian gecko masses by proudly decimating their limp carcasses -- except for their heads -- right beside me.


Crunch, Crunch, Crunch ...


Lucy Felthouse said...

Awww... naughty cat!! I like lizards!! :(

Susan Helene Gottfried said...


Err.... nope. Sorry. Not at all.

I'm jealous your kids are back in school. Monday's coming up WAY too slowly.

Anne D said...

When I went out to the lounge I found a lonely head in the middle of my nice clean floor *sob*

I so needed my sanity back Susan - kiddo has been out since May 25th, they got an extra 2weeks of summer this year as they have shifted the school year.

veinglory said...

eww. When my cat ate a gecko it threw up little green puddles, which was even worse than lizard parts.