Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Where oh where

Has that Anne gone?

Man was it Friday when I last blogged? And I missed the Poetry train, too! Bad, bad blogger.

I've been a little snowed under with my 'other' day job, so I've been busy hunched over my sewing machines. Then this morning, when I sat down to actually blog, wtf? no internet - comcastic ... I don't think so more like craptastic! But it did mean that the homecoming dance dress I was asked to make got finished :) and surprise surprise I actually did two loads of washing done and ran the dishwasher. Boring huh? But seriously, it was a major feat *snort*.

My lovely editor sent me the first round of edits for Accidentally Were? last night, so now the prom dress is out of the way, tomorrows job is to sit down and work my way through the red - one day I'll work out where to stick those damn commas and to stop those big run on sentences ... this one being a case in point :)

Okay, 20 hours without internet access has strained my addiction levels, so I'm off to read a big bunch of emails.

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