Friday, January 23, 2009


  • My interview with Joyfully Reviewed is up HERE

  • I'm Twittering HERE

  • Witch Vamp Were? has been listed up at All Romance eBooks (I also got some interesting news from ARe, but that will have to wait :) )

  • I've been contemplating RT for this year. Being that I'm a 2 hr drive away it seems silly that I shouldn't go. But the grand or so I'd still need is earmarked for something kind of important. So I think the conference will have to wait until next year or the year after. Who knows, maybe I'll just drive down for the eBook signing night and meet all the people I've gotten to know online over the last couple of years. I've contemplated, too, that it would be a perfect venue to have a table for Anne's Addictions... but I think that might just be way more hassle than what it's worth.

  • I've been futzing with a fantasy story concept - a twist on the dragon/damsel in distress idea set in a type of medievil setting. I'm not sure why, but I've just developed this craving to write about a dragon--I've even got a title "Reginald The Pink". This, of course, is not helping me at all with the plans I'd made for the rest of the year...

  • Anyone got any suggestions for effective marketing that is outside of the usual sphere? Any comments on the effectiveness of google ads?

(continue reading &aquo;)

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